Direct Marketing Leads Data Providers in Ireland | Dataxcel
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Direct Marketing Leads Data Providers in Ireland | Dataxcel

DataXcel was established in 2010 by a group of people passionate about the ethos of performance marketing. Why should the brand owner take all the risk, the media owner, us (DataXcel Ltd) should share the risk, and this is our business model. Your marketing ROI is our marketing ROI.

Our managing Director, Lorcan Lynch has over 20 years’ experience in Data Driven Marketing ranging from Data Start ups to managing the Marketing Services Division for Experian Ireland where he set about rebuilding an Mosaic for the Irish marketplace.

Our client facing team is headed by Laurence Masterson which includes people from Data analytics, AI, HTML Design, and KYC tech developers who share in our core objective to collect GDPR and ePrivacy compliant quality in line validated consumer data and real time leads for the Irish and UK markets that truly deliver transparent and measurable results for brand owners.

DataXcel is now established as Ireland’s Leading Collector of consent driven Data to include Email, Telephone (Mobile and Landline), and Postal and we are growing steadily in the UK. In addition we provide KYC, Eircode and data verification solutions all focussed on improving your ROI.

From 2010 to 2011 we survived and developed a steep learning curve for a unique and new business model for the Irish market I mean who had heard of real time lead generation!!

‘Please contact me, I am interested in what you can offer’.

In 2012 we grew our monthly members to our sites to 5k per month.


In 2013 we built our own bespoke lead generation technology which collects and delivers over 40k B to C leads per month in the Irish market to brand owners in Ireland and the UK.

In 2014 we launched our new land line Irish Telephone File of 290,000 records the majority are AB’s aged fifty plus

In addition, we were the first data business in Ireland since the 2011 Electronic regulations were introduced to complete a voluntary formal Data Protection Audit process by the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner with the result that several recommendations were provided all of which were implemented across our data assets and data collection process with approval by the ODPC.

Data compliance is an ongoing process and is at the centre of every decision we make from the directors down with all staff receiving data protection training on an ongoing basis.

In 2015 we partnered with the Bill Moss Partnership to further develop B to B data offers in Ireland WHY? The Bill Moss B to B data is simply the best, biggest, and most accurate B to B data set in Ireland.

In 2016 we launched our proprietary technology into the UK Lead Gen Market focusing on collecting, validating, and delivering high quality compliant data.

In 2017 we focused on scale and having fun.

In 2018 we became the only prospect telephone provider in Ireland alongside real time lead gen.

In 2019 we became the only email prospect data provider in Ireland with matching address and telephone number.

Throughout 2018 and into 2019 we commissioned the services of senior counsel specialising in Data Legislation to audit and review our data environment and applied updates to all data touch points and data processing policies to ensure we fully complied to the introduction of GDPR.

In 2020 we launched our non-named postal data file with 1.5m records selectable by over 40 Mosaic family profiles.

In 2021 we launched our real time identity verification services. KYC

In 2022 we signed up as a valued added reseller of Eircode enabling us to provide the range of Eircode services.

In 2023 we delivered our Eircode address look up solutions alongside our email and telephone verification solutions via our in house built API technology.

In 2024 we delivered our Irish KYC API version 1.1 with over 50% population coverage, industry best search logic, similarity scoring delivering optimum accurate match outcome responses via our Irish API.   

Our data is unique as we validate our traffic channels pre and post collection and we analyse the true ROI from every record we collect and allocate a score accordingly based on their responsiveness and monetising history.


We are measured by our conversion metrics, and we focus so much effort on collecting quality Irish and UK data so press one button and we will collect leads and data for you in:

  • South of Ireland
  • North Of Ireland
  • Wales
  • England
  • Scotland

Talk to us today email

DataXcel Online has case studies and details of campaigns across many market sectors.

We believe in transparent marketing practices to help marketing teams deliver against their required ROI.