Non Named Irish Postal Data 1.5m | Dataxcel
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Non Named Irish Postal Data 1.5m | Dataxcel

Match your best performing customer types to this database using the geo profiling tool Mosaic Ireland, Experian’s award winning Irish household segmentation product and quickly create a powerful prospect database, the data will provide further reassurance around GDPR compliance given the records are non personally identifiable and the pool of data allows any brand to test and roll out to considerable volumes with your best performing Direct Mail offers.

Here are examples of some of the segments you could target:

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Mosaic Ireland Group A: Established Wealth = 106,000 records.

High-income households owning large, expensive homes within reach of city culture.


  • Married living in expensive city fringe properties.
  • Older kids, high utility, telco/broadband users.
  • High Investors, substantial at charity donations.
Mosaic Ireland Group B: Suburban Success = 124,000 records

Mosaic Ireland Group B: Suburban Success = 124,000 records.

Prospering families and couples who commute from suburban homes to good career jobs.


  • Prospering families and couples who commute from suburban homes.
  • High achievers in their careers.
  • Mortgaged, heavy utility, telco, broadband users.
  • High spending on household, parenting, education, holidays, cars.
  • Technology savvy, good with charities.
Mosaic Ireland Group M: Country Choice = 50,000 records

Mosaic Ireland Group M: Country Choice = 50,000 records.

Mature families enjoying large, detached homes in undisturbed green and pleasant locations.


  • Prospering families and couples who commute from suburban homes.
  • Large mature families.
  • Rural living and lifestyle choice.
  • Bungalows and detached houses.
Mosaic Ireland Group C: City Achievers = 102,000 records

Mosaic Ireland Group C: City Achievers = 102,000 records.

Highly educated urbanites developing their careers from convenient city locations.


  • High achievers in their career.
  • High Internet usage and technology savvy.
  • High spend in leisure activities, Holiday makers.
  • High proportion of switchers for utility, telco, TV, broadband.
Mosaic Ireland Group F: Family Focus = 102,000 records

Mosaic Ireland Group F: Family Focus = 174,000 records.

Parents on good incomes who own mid-range homes on streets popular with families.


  • Young families in provincial towns.
  • Cars are important.
  • Semidetached homes.
  • Busy family life and are value driven.

A unique postal data file for Ireland with over 1.5m households profiled using Experian’s Mosaic Ireland geo profiling product giving you a deep understanding of your customers: who they are, what they want, where they are, when they want offers, how they purchase and why. This can help you to target households by Mosaic Ireland type or group with great accuracy. 1.5m Irish Households selectable by over 40 family types so you can create highly targetable profiles: Create an immediate prospect data pool,create a powerful prospect database around a store location for DM campaigns, or match your most profitable customer types to this data using Experian’s insightful Mosaic Ireland profiling tools.
This data will deliver results for sectors such as Charities, Energy Switchers, Telco Switchers, online Shopping and many more …


** Discounts available based on volume of data:

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per 1000



per 1000

Minimum Order
