Premium Lead Generation Site ‘’Winnersville’’ Launching in the UK February 1st 2016
January 11, 2016
Flow Leads Media in partnership with DataXcel are pleased to announce the launch of their premium UK Lead Generation website “Winnersville” on 1st February 2016. Winnersville clients will be able to benefit from a premium Lead Generation service that will include inline validation, user scoring optimisation, real-time deliveries and a dedicated Client Account Manager. Winnersville only generates data through premium un-incentivised traffic guaranteeing high quality conversion performance. Most importantly our clients will only receive leads which are 100% compliant in line with all forthcoming EU data protection regulations soon to be imposed in the UK. Winnersville are passionate about collecting compliant, high quality leads that perform for brands.” One example of this is the process in which we collect and provide data around the core question most consumers will either ask a data controller or at least think about asking: For example a consumer receives an unsolicited telephone call from a brand who has outsourced a call centre to manage the project. The call centre have sourced the data through a data broker who scanned the marketplace for relevant data and decided to test the data collected by Winnersville. We have now four levels to the data chain, the brand, the call centre, the data broker and the data controller. Q: ‘Where did you get my details from?’ Given the length of the data chain this normally would take some time to answer. However as we are starting with a blank page Winnersville data will comply from Day One with the new EU GDPR from point of collection to actual data delivery combined with a data usage policy so any person along the data chain will be equipped to answer a core question like this: So in this case the call centre agent will be equipped to respond as follows: A: Looking at our records, I can see you opted into a site called Winnersville on 1st February 2016 at xyz time. XYZ brand is listed as a marketing partner of Winnerville and you indicated at the time you may be interested in hearing about offers from us can I continue with the call YES/NO ‘R: Results: You now have transparency and you have connected the original consent with actual data usage. You now have warm engagement with the consumer as a level of trust and clarity has been established You now have empowered the consumer to take control of their data usage as the consumer has the choice to continue with the call or not. Our ethos is to collect ‘’EU GDPR’’ compliant data where the consumer has empowered us to connect their data with relevant brands/offers while always respecting their rights to privacy and power to control the usage of their data. Please feel free to contact Flow Leads Media for information regarding the forthcoming launch of Winnersville and they will be happy to answer any of your questions.