Does DM drive online sales?
Its one of those long standing questions does Direct mail Actually Drive Online Sales or Call to Actions and how do you measure results???
Well we researched a lot of chat forums, linkedin posts, research papers and the results as you would expect are all a bit vague, non conclusive and to be honest a bit confusing.
However there are a few solid facts available.
Google is a major direct mail player in the European market sending out millions of B to B mail packs every year but they are a pure digital business model so this must mean something.
The combination of Direct Mail with an online presence packs a very powerful marketing approach.
How many 18 to 30 years olds receive a letter in the post? It must be near zero apart from bank and utility statements. General Motors are looking at this logic for test drive acquisitions.
Here are a few tips we picked up from using our own data to link DM with an online call to action.
Make the offer or message intriguing so the consumer stops whatever they are doing and goes to the web site or call to action landing position.
Make the URL they must type in easy to understand and short.
Email your prospects and then only send Direct Mail packs to the openers as they are already warm and engaged (we recently carried out two tests and the uplift averaged 30% ).
Measure your results using tools such as those recommended by Grizzard .
Finally we have just six correct entries to our free draw where a winner will be picked TOMORROW yes this coming Friday 20th of June to win Two Free Flights to the beautiful city of Paris so all you need to do is guess what scale up plan we intend to launch the end of June for our Irish business. You have a great chance of winning. ENTER by replying to this email. Best of luck!!!!