Only Use Compliant Telephone Data | Dataxcel
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Only Use Compliant Telephone Data

June 2, 2015

We collect allot of telephone data in Ireland and have a file of over 350k records Landline and Mobile and as telephone data results in the highest number of complaints to the DP Commissioner’s office we worked with the office of the data protection commissioner to establish rules around telephone data to ensure it is compliant so here are five key policing rules you should always implement when using telephone data in Ireland. 1. You cannot call a Landline number unless it has been cleaned against the NDD within the previous 30 days. 2. Mobile data must have a traceable and clear explicit consent from the consumer for third party marketing offers, must be up to date ie within the past 12 month. 3. The opening line in a telemarketing script should have a short statement as to the source of the data giving the consumer the option to continue with the call or not. 4. Data subject access requests should ideally be dealt with by the agent on the call and if this is not possible dealt with by the data controller within 72 hours. 5 Any do not contact requests to be processed within 48 hours We implemented all of the above some time ago and have not received one complaint from either the ODPC or a consumer directly so we have leant. Be fully transparent with the consumer and give them the option to engage or not with the brand or offer. By giving the consumer a clear and transparent choice they make the decision to engage and not us. Process data subject access requests quickly and clearly Contact us if you would like to test our fully compliant telephone data for Ireland on