Some Key Points From The National Data Protection Conference | Dataxcel
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Some Key Points From The National Data Protection Conference

February 2, 2016

I attended and briefly spoke in the not for profit section of the National Data Protection conference today on behalf of the IDMA. The Data Protection Commissioner, Helen Dixon provided some great insights in the main conference room into what is coming down the track in 2016. Here is a summary. 1.The ODPC intend to scale up the no of ODPC audits for 2016 helping more businesses to ensure their data touch points are DP complaint 2.The ODPC is scaling their team and although the commissioner did not state numbers the rumours are for a figure of circa 250 staff making it one of the biggest Data Regulator offices in Europe. I guess when you are responsible for policing the likes of Facebook and Google for Europe you need the staff. 3.When asked what should a business do to get ready for the ”EU GDPR” ?, the commissioner’s response was spot on – Ensure your are compliant with the current legislation and you will be well on your way to being ready for the EU GDPR. Focus on the reasonable expectations of the Data Subject = Legitimate interest. 4. The view from delegates was to focus on the Fair Processing and Legitimate consent process in your organisation particularly around explicit and unambiguous consent at all data collection touchpoints. 5. Data controller and outsource data processor will be jointly responsible for the data. Example of data Processors could include call centres, cloud storage providers, email deployment providers etc. 6. Data subject access request turnaround time may reduce from 40 days to 30 days. Note:***The IDMA has relaunched the MPS for Ireland and we are scaling this National Suppression file to soon include deceased data in addition to postal do not contact data. For more information go to All the best Lorcan