Third of consumers leave a brand due to irrelevant Direct Marketing | Dataxcel
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Third of consumers leave a brand due to irrelevant Direct Marketing

April 4, 2016

It’s a frightening statistic but one which has been upheld in a recent study carried out by Ricoh.

They found that nearly a third of consumers (32 per cent) say they have taken their custom elsewhere after being spammed by irrelevant material from brands and service providers. Furthermore, 68 per cent of consumers have admitted they would spend less with the offending businesses.

Its back to the basic principles of Direct Marketing, do not throw out the fishing net and hope you catch a few people to justify the marketing spend think about:

 – Why they connect with your brand

 – Use the common analysis of Frequency, Usage, Transaction

 – Use relevancy to content and the context of the consumer’s life stage and wrap this around your targeting objectives

 –  Use your street wise cop on

We are all consumers, put yourself in the shoes of your target audience, would you want this marketing communication and if so what would make you respond.?

Again I will say it, we have too many analytical tools to hand, we sometimes slice and dice the data and forget the focus of the basic principles of targeting, we immerse ourselves in spreadsheets and charts.

Focussed data targeting we have found lifts response rates especially for email channels by over 40% with open rates averaging 20% plus

Have a great Friday and don’t be evil!!
